EMS GROUP's leadership has built an environment to support and motivate our employee-owners
and serve our long-term client relationships.
Company is ably guided by:
1.Mr.Paresh Patel (President) B.E. (Elect.), with
more than 20 years of global experience in consult & design of trunkry projects,
plant maintance and operation.
2. Mr.Kanjibhai Chaudhary (FOUNDER DIRECTOR) Mechanical
Engineer, with more than 30 years of global experience in consult & design of trunkey
projects, plant maintenance and operation.
3. Mr.Dinesh Patel ( DIRECTOR OF International Business) B.E.(Mech.-Australia),
with more than 15 years of global experience in trunkry projects, plant maintance&operation
and International Business Development.
4. Mr.Brijesh Patel ( DIRECTOR OF MARKETING ) B.E.
(Mech.), M.S. (Mech.-USA) with more than 6 years of global experience in trunkry
projects, plant maintance & operation and products Marketing
and Promotions.
5. Mrs. Alpaben Patel (DIRECTOR OF HR & Finance)
M.A. (Economics), with more than 15 years of global experience in Human Resource,
Accounting and Finance activities.
Presently our technical and non-technical manpower strength totals to more than
150 in numbers.